In this video, Stand for Health Freedom Executive Director and Co-founder Leah Wilson interviews “Mama Bears” Kimberly Reicks and Emily Peterson, from Ankeny, Iowa. These two moms, located in the same Iowa school district, didn’t like the harm they saw happening to their children from masking and social distancing and decided to unite to take a stand. They organized in late March of this year, and by late May Iowa had new legislation signed into law prohibiting the forced masking of kids in school. Now, they are telling their story as they spread “freedom over fear” and inspire others to get involved and take action.
The “Students First Act” that passed bans school districts from ever issuing mask mandates again. The state of Iowa, thanks to these two moms who stood up to educate their school boards, communities and legislators, has now taken a stand to protect the rights of all Iowans. This important legislation blocks mask mandates in K-12 public and private schools; they cannot enforce or implement a policy requiring school employees, students, or visitors to wear one.
“The state of Iowa is putting parents back in control of their child’s education and taking greater steps to protect the rights of all Iowans to make their own health care decisions,” shared Governor Kim Reynolds during the May 19th signing. “I am proud to be a governor of a state that values personal responsibility and individual liberties.”
Steps You Can Take
Step One: In just 30 seconds, send a letter to your governor and your State Department of Education asking them to do their part to lift COVID-19 restrictions in schools.
Step Two: Sign up to receive instant access to our presentation to share with your local school board and department of education officials.
Step Three: Download our Step-by-Step guide! Stand for Health Freedom has also created a step-by-step guide to empower YOU to permanently lift COVID restrictions in schools.