“I was so excited to begin college. My bags were packed, but there was one last thing still to do. I needed to get the meningococcal vaccine to complete the requirements for school. I scheduled a visit with our trusted family physician. Since I was over 18, I decided that I would go to the appointment alone; I knew what I needed. Shockingly the office told me that they had lost my vaccination records, so I needed to be completely “revaccinated” to have the proper records. I wasn’t given any information and didn’t know to ask any questions. I completely trusted our doctor. I was given six vaccines that day, and I was never the same. I didn’t really put the pieces together on my neurological injuries until years later when I got pregnant with our son. I had been doing research on developmental disorders and as I read about side effects from vaccines, it all became clear. What I had been suffering from was due to the multiple shots that I received all at once. That lit a fire in me, and since then I’ve been focused on spreading the word and fighting for informed consent in medical care. I am passionate about Stand for Health Freedom because it has given me the words and the power to do just that.”
“I was filled with fear. It seemed like those in authority in my home state of New Jersey were going to remove the religious exemption for childhood vaccines. Our family had deeply held religious beliefs on the shots and could not give them to our children. I feverishly searched the internet to see what I could do to try to stop this attack on our God-given rights. It was then that I came across Stand for Health Freedom. I used their advocacy tool to contact my representatives and their resource page for information on the exemption laws. And after receiving timely updates on the huge battle underway, I immediately felt like I was no longer alone. I was now fighting with thousands of my fellow New Jerseyans. We rallied and raised our voices. I will never forget that moment when we learned that we had won and that our children and their rights would be protected. It didn’t seem possible… until it was because we found our power, together.”
“Thank you so much for fighting against this issue. I was absolutely terrified to receive the “consent form” from my child’s school at the beginning of the year. I felt extremely uncomfortable that this was even being offered. The wording on the form literally covered medical interventions from OTC drugs to immunizations!! … Thank you for working to fight against these establishments, as they absolutely, illegally, remove parents’ rights, and I don’t think most parents even realize the control they are relinquishing. This is an extremely alarming attack on our children and I am thankful for your fight against it!”
“I was hearing from so many different people about the negative effects that they or their children suffered from mask mandates or from the COVID-19 vaccine. I could not sit idly by without sharing this important information so that individuals could take it into consideration as they made health decisions for themselves and their families. As a co-director of Health Freedom Louisiana, I had been given the gift and the opportunity to use my platform to get the word out. But I was thwarted in this effort. The bottom line is that government colluded with Big Tech to censor my speech. Had this not been done, individuals would have been given a meaningful chance at informed consent and it may just have changed physical or mental health outcomes and even saved lives. To address this issue, I filed a lawsuit against the organizations and individuals who were actively censoring me. The litigation is now enjoined with the pivotal case of State of Missouri v. Biden, which we believe will help destroy the Censorship-Industrial Complex for good. It has not been an easy road so far, but I know what we are doing will make a difference. I’m so incredibly proud to be a part of it all, and I am equally proud to work with Stand for Health Freedom to elevate the cause of free speech so we can ensure that this type of situation never happens again.”
“My family was kicked out of a homeschool group because they learned of my advocacy work in health freedom. I received a mid-year email declaring that the group believes in “science, vaccines, and the WHO,” and therefore we were out. This is why I support Stand for Health Freedom in fighting for privacy rights. Both public and private entities are guilty of fear-based discrimination and shaming those who don’t comply with government policies as a means of punishing and forcing compliance. It works. People are hard-wired to want to belong and to avoid difficulty. We don’t want to lose a job, give up on a dream college, miss concerts and sporting events with friends, or be singled out with a mask or quarantine. Those who go against medical advice or public health mandates and who live in integrity with their spirituality and instincts have been persecuted as “anti-vaxxers” or “anti-science” for centuries. This is why SHF is so important to this fight — you give us action steps and tools to protect our God-given rights, rooted in an understanding of the Goliath that families are up against. Privacy in our health choices is the best protection we have against the theft of our freedom.”