COVID shots became available to Americans starting in December 2020. We now have four solid years of outcomes to examine. The results are dismal and horrifying. Americans have made over 10,000 claims to the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), and reported over 1 million cases of injury or death to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
And it’s not just health freedom advocates or the injured themselves who are noticing these results. In December 2024, Attorneys General from 14 states wrote a letter to the federal government on behalf of “honest people with verified injuries,” thousands of whom are being ignored as the health of pharmaceutical companies is being prioritized over that of Americans. Florida’s governor convened a grand jury to investigate the possibility of criminal fraud by manufacturers or the government with respect to “transmission, prevention, efficacy, and safety” of the shot. The 118th U.S. House of Representatives investigated the COVID response by the federal government and found the shot “had adverse events that must be thoroughly investigated,” and that our reporting systems are horribly inadequate, causing public health officials to miss safety signals.
After four years, the list of Americans, scientists, medical doctors, public health officials, attorneys, and elected officials questioning or condemning the safety of the COVID shots is only growing.
It’s time for the federal government to prioritize people over pharmaceutical policy and pull the COVID shots from the market.
Letter from Attorneys General
The Attorneys General from 14 states sent a letter to the U.S. Health and Human Services agency on December 30, 2024, “with serious concerns with how individuals harmed by COVID-19 vaccines are being treated by the federal government.”1 Specifically, the AG’s wanted answers on why the CICP is dismally failing Americans injured or killed by COVID shots.
In a well-done risk-benefit analysis, Americans need to look at the course of action if the undesired harm occurs. Risk needs to be evaluated from more than one angle: Beyond how likely the risk is, people need to know how serious it can get. Risk associated with COVID shots is heightened not only as compared to other pharmaceuticals, but simply because if harm happens, there is no help. Doctors refuse to acknowledge the cause of injury, insurance doesn’t cover care because our federal government hasn’t acknowledged the “unavoidably unsafe” nature of the shot with diagnosis and payment codes, Americans can’t sue the manufacturer of the product because of federal law, and the federal program that’s supposed to help us is so broken that the head attorneys for almost one-third of all of the United States linked arms to confront the federal government on its failures.
The federal government has a heightened duty to Americans to ensure our safety when the product they have given a liability shield hurts us.
The AG letter tells seven heartbreaking stories of Americans both young and old who were killed or seriously disabled by the COVID shots. It mentions 10,473 claims before the CICP for the COVID shot, only 65 of which have been deemed eligible for payment. And of those, only 20 have been paid – and all but one were under $5,000.
For comparison, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has had 28,153 claims filed in 37 years, which covers 34 different types of vaccines or combinations.2 COVID shots caused over 10,000 claims filed in just four short years to CICP. To average that over one year, COVID shots caused approximately 2,625 injury or deaths claims per year. Every other pharmaceutical prophylactic or combo averaged only 760 claims per year. It is well-understood that claims to these passive reporting systems are underreported, as infamously stated by a publication by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care in 2010.3 One nurse during COVID reported being fired for filing VAERS reports.4
The letter also cites VSafe data that was collected from a little over 10 million Americans that indicated more than 3.3 million of them – a full third – had a reaction to a COVID shot that caused them to miss work or school, get medical care, or be unable to participate in normal activities.5
The CICP compared to VICP shows us that the COVID shots are massively more dangerous than any other shot or immunizing agent Americans are taking. Not only that, the program is adding real insult to real injury by not providing the promised help to Americans who wanted to “do their part” for the “greater good,” or those coerced by mandate to take it by the federal government or an employer.
Florida grand jury report:
In 2022, a Florida grand jury6 conducted a criminal investigation into the actions of the federal government and multinational corporations while selling the COVID shot. Governor Ron DeSantis wanted to know if there was fraud in what Floridians were told with respect to transmission, prevention, efficacy, and safety related to the shots.
Over 18 months, the grand jury interviewed more than 40 witnesses, noting that most federal officials refused to talk to them. Ultimately, the jury found no grounds for criminal charges due to the involvement of the federal government, federal laws, and immunities of people and products. The jury wrote this doesn’t mean all the statements and facts they reviewed were accurate or appropriate, but they were bound by law to find there wasn’t a sufficient base for criminal prosecutions. But the jury did find “problems,” many of which happened at the “direction or acquiescence of the FDA, CDC and other federal regulators.”
The grand jury points out that a small group of federal regulators is “wholly responsible” for vetting vaccine risks, and that same small group is responsible for alerting people to problems after they’ve approved them.
The grand jury called the creation and licensing of the COVID shots “emergency-based corner-cutting.” Interestingly, the jury concluded this “emergency-based corner-cutting” process did not violate “fundamental rights established under the United States Constitution.” We could parse words and point out that the Constitution does not establish any rights. The Bill of Rights to our Constitution protects rights of humans that exist without any government at all – some call these “God-given” rights.
Alarmingly, the grand jury reported, “in 2020, as the vaccines were being developed, there were published observational studies finding a substantial increase in COVID-19-related risks in pregnant women, but those findings were subject to limitations so broad and obvious that even their authors acknowledge they may not ultimately be accurate. The FDA appears to have been well aware…”
The jury also reported that miscarriages during trials weren’t noted in scientific publications about safety. The jury further reports on information from a trial in pregnant women with unpublished results that showed increased major congenital anomalies and developmental delay through 6 months of age. “Suffice it to say that we do not believe pregnant women were well-served by the United States public health apparatus, nor do we believe these troubling issues were properly and meaningfully disclosed and discussed over the last four years.”
Regarding safety in the general population, the jury noted that all three of the authorized or licensed “safe and effective” shots “were associated with safety issues necessitating FDA intervention.” These safety signals included blood clots after vaccination, Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), myocarditis, and pericarditis.
Very troublingly, the jury found that Pfizer and Moderna are missing deadlines and failing to complete postmarket data study requirements. This alone should halt the products from being sold and administered to Americans! The companies have “an opportunity for the FDA and the public to be better informed about the safety of these products that cost billions of taxpayer dollars to develop, manufacture and administer.” However, “The FDA would not speak with us directly, so we are not sure what their excuse would be for not holding Pfizer and Moderna’s feet to the fire. Frankly, we are not sure any answer would satisfy us at this point, nor should it satisfy anyone else.”
Pfizer admitted to the grand jury investigators that it found “about 100 signals” to investigate, and Moderna investigated 65. Moderna “refuted” 60 safety signals with the FDA’s blessing, but Pfizer didn’t verify how many signals were confirmed safety issues, nor details like how they dismissed the vast majority. Moderna’s representative actually told the jury it was “irrelevant” to tell the public about the validated safety signals prior to confirmation. The grand jury “emphatically disagree[d]” because people need the information to make their own health choices.
U.S. House: “After Action Review of the COVID Pandemic: The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward”
Check out the SHF summary of the full report here.
Over 2023 and 2024, the U.S. House held meetings of a Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, which released the fruits of its labor in early December 2024. After two years of work, 25 hearings, 38 depositions or interviews, investigation of government documents, review of scientific publications and more, the committee released its 520-page report containing 114 findings of fact about actions of the federal government and other key players in national and local public health responses. The document is called “After Action Review of the COVID Pandemic: The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward.”
The committee found that not only was the government insulting and dismissing hurt Americans but also that the systems set in place to catch problems early and to compensate those “inevitable” injuries or deaths are failing Americans. In other words, there were adverse events that “must be thoroughly investigated,” but this is not happening.
The committee found that VAERS is “insufficient and not transparent.” One cited scientific report found that a dozen people who filed VAERS reports did not have a follow-up contact even months later to verify their report. The committee found that the systems may be missing safety signals, especially about neurological conditions.
It was also found that the CDC is “resistant” to sharing or transparency with the V-Safe database set up specifically to capture data related to the COVID shots. “Specifically, the CDC is defending against FOIA lawsuits filed by groups seeking data and millions of free-text responses gathered through the program.”
Regarding compensation for Americans who suffered injury or death from the experimental shots, the committee found that the CICP is “failing to efficiently, fairly, and transparently” decide claims. Only 25 percent of the claims have been decided, “with a denial rate of more than 98 percent.” The decision-making process is not transparent. “For example, the CICP’s rationale to award $370,376 for one myocarditis claim but $1,033 for another is unclear.”
The above statements and the conclusions reached therein are only three examples of the most recent and notable collection of questions, doubts, admonitions, and problems with the COVID shots. America’s top policymakers and lawyers, along with a grand jury of average Americans who had a behind-the-scenes look at the data, have all laid out the reasons Americans need to be protected against this experimental shot.
The national conversation is finally tuned to health freedom. An uncountable number of Americans have been injured or killed by the COVID shots. Americans have been left in the dark when it comes to information that is critical to the risk-benefit analysis that must underlie informed consent. Our federal government has taken away our constitutional right to sue the makers of a product when harm happens and also failed to support Americans who “did their part” with the intent of protecting themselves and others.
It’s time to stop the shots.
Tell your governor and the U.S. Congress to pull the shots today.
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