Georgia’s law prohibiting vaccine passports had an expiration date of June 30, 2023, so it was critical to replace it with a permanent law. SB1 was designed to permanently prevent state and local government agencies from requiring proof of COVID vaccination. With almost 6,500 emails sent by advocates to legislators, this bill passed!
What Exemptions does your state offer?
Medical and Religious
What is the process to get a religious exemption in your state?
For daycare and K-12 schools, each child must have one of two items on file at the daycare center or at the school – either a valid Georgia Immunization Certificate (Form 3231) or a signed, notarized statement, which is called an affidavit of religious exemption (DPH 2208). Georgia Code O.C.G.A. 20-2-771
Medical exemptions are also available in Georgia but can be difficult to acquire. Exemptions must be updated annually by a qualified physician. Reasons for medical exemptions can include previous adverse reactions to vaccine ingredients, autoimmune disease, or established immunity from a vaccine preventable disease through titer testing. Exemptions must be signed off on using Form 3231.
Who can add vaccines to the state's childhood schedule, the department of health or the legislature?
Georgia Department of Health
What health care can minors consent to on their own?
Any female, regardless of age, may consent to medical or surgical treatment related to pregnancy (including prevention) or childbirth. Any minor who professes to be suffering from drug abuse may consent to treatment of conditions caused by the drug abuse. Any minor who professes to have a sexually transmitted disease or be at risk for HIV may consent to treatment for conditions caused by the sexually transmitted disease. The consent of parents or guardian is not necessary in any of these cases. A physician treating a minor may, but is not obligated to, inform the minor’s spouse, parent, or guardian of the treatment given or needed. The physician may make this determination without the consent of the minor.