URGENT SOUTH CAROLINA: Tell your legislator to use S.177 in our Special Session
Our Stand
- Employees in SC face an ultimatum on December 6th and will probably lose their jobs if the legislature does not act during our Special Session, which takes place December 1, 2021.
- As you might recall S.177 was introduced last year and would help protect South Carolina citizens from these mandates. The bill is "A joint resolution to provide that COVID-19 vaccinations are purely voluntary, to provide that an employer cannot take an adverse employment action against an employee who chooses not to undergo a COVID-19 vaccination, and to provide that the Department of Health and Environmental Control cannot require isolation or quarantine for a person who chooses not to undergo a COVID-19 vaccination."
- The process to get the bill over to special session sounds like an easy one, but rarely is. The House needs to enter the "motion period" and make a motion to "recall S.177 out of the 3M committee (where it has been held hostage by the democrats since April) to the floor." If the Speaker were to try to block going into the motion period, it takes only a simple majority to overrule him.
- Once in the motion period, it takes only a simple majority to recall S.177 out of committee and bring it to the floor. The House would then need to amend S.177 to fully address the problems at hand. This too requires only a simple majority.
- After this, the House's work is done. The amended bill would go to the Senate for a final up/down vote, which means the Senate would need to convene before 12/6 for a final vote on the bill. Then the bill would go to the Governor to be signed, and would take effect immediately.
- The ball is in their court. Tell them that they must intervene for you. Your legislator swore an oath to uphold the freedoms our constitution affords us, and they are to protect those freedoms, not infringe on them. We need their help to protect our South Carolina families, before it's too late.