Nevada: Act now to defeat a bill that removes parents from your child’s health decisions
SB172 will allow Nevada children of any age to consent to certain shots and other medical care
Our Stand: At-A-Glance
- SB172 removes the age of consent completely for certain medical treatments. This bill will allow any child of any age to consent to treatment by a physician, physician’s assistant, registered nurse, or pharmacist for services to prevent and treat STDs and receive contraception.
- Treatments can include, but are not limited to the testing, treatment, and prevention of HIV and other STDs. Prevention of STDs includes dispensing prescription drugs and, as with HPV, can include administering vaccines for HIV are also in the pipeline. This bill would also allow a child to be given contraceptive drugs or devices and all this would be allowed without the consent or even the notification of the parents or legal guardian of the minor.
- This bill is a violation of the family unit. It deeply infringes on a parent’s right to make medical decisions for children who are too young to make these important choices. This slippery slope leads to the demise of the sacred parent-child relationship.
- SB172 represents a clear overreach by the state into the care and upbringing of our children and violates our medical and religious freedom.
- Please let your legislators know that you do not consent to any aspect of this bill, especially any part that allows your underage children to make medical decisions without your notification and consent.