- Sign the petition to tell Maryland lawmakers that it is unconstitutional and anti-American to remove a parent’s right to make healthcare decisions for their children.
- Not only is the AMA—one of the strongest lobbying organizations in America[1]—on a mission to advance the rights of its member doctors to make healthcare decisions for minor children in contravention of parental authority, but this anti-parent, anti-patient, anti-liberty, and pro-medical authoritarianism agenda is taking place at the state level as well.
- With attempts by Maryland officials to circumvent parental rights and prey on our children’s vulnerability and naïveté, the need for a state law that protects these rights is more pressing than ever. From altering the age of consent to hiding medical information from parents about our own children, it’s clear that they’re at risk of harm at the hands of bureaucrats who believe they have the authority to dictate what is best for our kids.
- In September of 2021, a Maryland county superintendent told one concerned parent that while the child was in school, their health and safety was the superintendent’s responsibility. They went on to cite and abuse a law known as “in loco parentis,” noting the following definition:
- “A Latin phrase meaning to be in the place of or position of parents. This phrase basically means that while a student is in the custody of a school, the school has the authority and duty to act as a parent.”
- While many parents have new concerns about their children being targeted and manipulated by the school system, the problem extends back farther than most Marylanders are aware.
- In 2007, Delegate Pena-Melnyk shifted Maryland’s plan for tackling cervical cancer from an ‘educate and test’ position to a vaccine-centered position via her bill, HB1049. This landmark change in Maryland law was the starting point on a map to marketing the HPV vaccine directly to schoolchildren without parental presence. In 2016, Pena-Melnyk proposed HB1178 in an attempt to mandate the HPV vaccine for school attendance. In 2017, the Maryland Department of Health started pressuring school administrators and nurses to market the HPV vaccine to students as young as 11. Montgomery County Public Schools reinforced this proposal and between 2012 and 2017, financial incentives to promote the HPV vaccine neared $125 million.
- Additionally, the state attempted to sweep the story of Maryland daughter Christina Tarsell under the rug, despite her family being compensated by the court for her death following the HPV vaccine. Governor Hogan has ignored all pleas from citizens to address this corruption.
- Numerous peer-reviewed data sets support that Gardasil testing is flawed and Merck, the manufacturer of Gardasil, has been convicted of marketing fraud. When there is any element of risk, especially when a child could be harmed—or killed—and when parents could become lifelong caretakers, Maryland law should secure the rights of parents to maintain oversight over childhood vaccinations.
- In 2020 three bills were proposed to lower the age of consent for vaccinations in Maryland, and two of them also proposed liability protection for healthcare providers. That same year, HB15 pushed for compliance with dental health requirements to attend school. Further, HB53 was introduced as a means to prohibit the implantation of birth control devices into the bodies of minors without parental consent. This bill arrived on the heels of a 16 year old Maryland girl having a birth control device improperly implanted in school without parental consent. Sadly, the Maryland legislature chose to cancel hearings for this bill due to Covid lockdowns.Delegate Cox introduced a parental rights bill in 2020, HB1242, which never made it to a vote, signaling that most members of the Maryland legislature are not interested in protecting parental rights.
- HB132 was passed and enacted in 2021, lowering the age of consent for mental and emotional health treatment of bullying, mental disorders, gender identity issues and more to 12 years old.
- In November of 2021, a six-year-old student in a Calvert County, Maryland elementary school was wrongly vaccinated without parental consent.
- Montgomery County Public Schools have already mandated the Covid-19 vaccine for school athletes 12 and older. Prince George’s County Public Schools have announced a vaccinate or test policy for their student athletes in the same age group. The World Health Organization has revised their varying definitions of “consent” to include implied consent, laying the foundation for when a vaccination clinic is held at school, a child’s mere presence constitutes consent to receive any vaccine.
- That said, existing federal law—the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986—specifically and legally requires parents be informed of vaccine information including risks and benefits prior to the distribution of each vaccine.[5]This same law establishes a compensation program for vaccine injury and death because there is enough risk of harm caused by government-recommended vaccines to necessitate such a program.
- The Supreme Court affirmed the high responsibility and right of parents to control the upbringing of our children against that of the State in Prince vs Massachusetts (1944): the custody, care, and nurture of the child reside first in the parents, whose primary function and freedom include preparation for obligations the State can neither supply nor hinder.
- The same medical system that has overseen great decline in Americans’ health is the one that is on a fast mission to override parental authority in directing the health and wellbeing of our children. Parents should never be forced to entrust their children’s safety to a government-run public school system and should always be the ultimate decision-makers over their minor children’s health and wellbeing, including times when children are not in parental presence.
- It is time to stand up for divine, natural, religious, constitutional, and human rights laws that have guided us well and withstood the test of time.
- Sign the petition and stand for health freedom and the preservation of parental rights.
Act Now: Stand to Protect Maryland’s Medical Parental Rights
The undersigned citizens of the United States respectfully request that Maryland governor, state senators, and state representatives commit to affirming and upholding our medical, parental, and patient rights to make the decisions that affect the health and well-being of ourselves and our children.
Parents, as the ultimate stakeholders, are the most invested in, and must continue to direct the decisions that determine, the child’s health and well-being. Removing parents from health decisions will jeopardize the child’s health and threaten the parent-child relationship and familial integrity. It is well established in natural, divine, and religious laws, and upheld in long-standing historical and cultural norms of the Western world that parents play the primary role in the upbringing and nurturance of our children. The alternative is medical authoritarianism and abhorrent to Americans. Please represent us and stand for the encompassing and inherent freedoms that define who we are.
Our Stand: At-A-Glance
- With attempts by Maryland officials to circumvent parental rights and prey on our children’s vulnerability and naïveté, the need for a state law that protects these rights is more pressing than ever. From altering the age of consent to hiding medical information from parents about our own children, it’s clear that they’re at risk of harm at the hands of bureaucrats who believe they have the authority to dictate what is best for our kids.
- In September of 2021, a Maryland county superintendent told one concerned parent that while the child was in school, their health and safety was the superintendent’s responsibility. They went on to cite and abuse a law known as “in loco parentis,” noting the following definition: “A Latin phrase meaning to be in the place of or position of parents. This phrase basically means that while a student is in the custody of a school, the school has the authority and duty to act as a parent.”
- Delegate Cox introduced a parental rights bill in 2020, HB1242, which never made it to a vote, signaling that most members of the Maryland legislature are not interested in protecting parental rights.
- HB132 was passed and enacted in 2021, lowering the age of consent for mental and emotional health treatment of bullying, mental disorders, gender identity issues and more to 12 years old.
- It is time to stand up for divine, natural, religious, constitutional, and human rights laws that have guided us well and withstood the test of time. Sign the petition and stand for health freedom and the preservation of parental rights.
- For the full story, please read below.