Tell the Catholic Church: Allow Religious Exemptions in Schools
- In 2020, the Archdiocese of Newark stopped enrolling children in Catholic schools if they have a religious exemption. Denying children entry into Catholic schools goes against the meaning of the word Catholic. “Catholic–The word comes from the Greek meaning “through the whole,” that is “universal,” “world-wide,” “all inclusive.” Forcing religious families to vaccinate to enter Catholic schools is not universal or all-inclusive.
- Students who are denied admission into Catholic Schools enter a public school system that takes away parental rights and mandates a curriculum that is in direct contrast on the Catholic values of the nuclear family and the dignity of the body.
- Another important note for many of the Catholic faith: The following childhood vaccines produced on human cell lines (WI-38 and MRC-5) originated from terminated pregnancies: MMR, Varivax, Pentacel, Havrix, Vaqta, Twinrix, and ProQuad. There are no ethical alternatives available in the United States for many school-required childhood vaccinations.
- New Jersey currently has effective provisions in place for disease control. Statute § 26:1A-9.1 states that students with a religious exemption may be kept out of school during an emergency as determined by the State Commissioner of Health. Currently, there is no compelling emergency to unconstitutionally eliminate the religious exemption especially when so few students use it (only 3% of students in New Jersey).
- Religious exemptions protect the dignity of the body. There are many families who have close sibling, parent, or family history of vaccine-injury and others who have experienced medical events after vaccination but are not eligible for medical exemption (per ACIP guidelines: only anaphylaxis or encephalopathy qualify for medical exemptions). Voluntarily putting a loved one’s health at risk goes against the faith of most Catholics.
- Please sign this petition now, stating that Catholic school should be available for all children of the faith. The names will be gathered and submitted to Cardinal Tobin, Bishops, Most Reverend David M O’Connell (Trenton), Most Reverend Dennis Sullivan (Camden), Most Reverend Kevin Sweeney (Paterson), Most Reverend James Checchio (Metuchen) along with the request to allow all children into Catholic schools regardless of their vaccine status.