Indiana Vaccine Discrimination Survey
Hoosiers: Please share your personal experiences and help us make vaccine status a protected class in our civil rights code.
As Stand for Health Freedom works with state legislators to protect citizens from intrusive vaccine mandates and vaccine discrimination, we want to be able to share with them real life stories about how people are negatively impacted by unfair vaccine practices. Please share your own vaccine stories, so that we can use your experiences to write better vaccine protection laws.
Many legislators don’t know what kind of impact restrictive vaccine policies are having on our workplaces, our schools, our public arenas, our organizations, our healthcare facilities and our marketplaces. We see over and over again that it takes real people being vocal to give lawmakers the cover they need to dramatically change laws, especially when they might dictate how an employer can hire and fire.
By providing your personal testimony, we will be able to provide lawmakers with the solid data they need to craft laws that will protect your health choices when it comes to vaccination — free of discrimination.
We appreciate your participation in this process to write better laws.
Your story matters. Thank you for your courage.