URGENT GEORGIA: Dangerous bill combining issues of data privacy, involuntary treatment, blanket immunity must be stopped
House Bill 520 will create data privacy, human freedom, government overreach, and accountability/liability issues that must be stopped now.
Our Stand: At-A-Glance
- HB520 creates a “central data repository for the state” from which “individually identifiable information” can be released. Through the context of the Georgia government’s use of a company called ID.me and its “digital wallet” initiative, this bill creates enormous concerns for privacy and freedom from coercion.
- HB520 establishes a mechanism for the government to confine a family member, including a minor, to a State mental health facility for evaluation, based on testimony from at least two individuals whose identity would be concealed (lines 473-478 of the bill).
- HB520 provides immunity from ALL liability for mental health care providers and treatment deemed criminal or negligent (lines 582-585 of the bill).
- HB520 allows for the government and private companies to monitor family members diagnosed with mental health needs (lines 748-751,759-761,764). Lines 762-763 state: “Identify ways to use and share existing data for business intelligence and predictive analytic opportunities.”
- With one click, you can help us stop this bad policy from becoming law in Georgia now, before it's too late! Once you have clicked the submit button, the list of of emails for the subcommittee will pop up, please call them now, to tell them no to HB520.