Tennessee: Help stop a bill that undermines the Mature Minor Consent Act
Our Stand: At-A-Glance
- A bill is moving that we thought was dead . . .URGENT but EASY ACTION needed to preserve the sanctity of informed consent to vaccination for parents.
- HB2902 passed in the House Health Committee because the committee members were given dangerously inaccurate information about vaccination law and informed consent. Please read our FACT CHECK on the legislator’s presentation. It’s important to know that the original language of this bill did not even include the term “informed consent”, only “consent”. It was amended to add “informed” after a sub-committee member said he’d only agree to vote for it if “informed” was included. But the addition of “informed” did not make the bill acceptable.
- Last year, you all helped us pass the Mature Minor Clarification Act (MMCA) that made it very clear parental consent for vaccination is required for all children until they turn 18.
- HB2902 undermines MMCA by:
- allowing doctors and other providers to abandon medical due diligence and violate the federal 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury act by obtaining consent to vaccination ONCE from a parent for “all future vaccinations”, bypassing all the protections of valid and ethical informed consent that should happen just prior to every dose.
- removing the one protection a parent has just prior to a vaccination. Manufacturers of pediatric vaccines and those who provide them are shielded from liability when the shots cause injury or death. The properly provided opportunity to give either informed consent or informed refusal is all that stands between a child and the drug industry.
- Even the CDC does not condone advance consent to vaccination!
- MMCA does NOT prevent a parent from allowing another person to bring their child to a vaccination appointment, but if such a policy is arranged at a doctor’s office, the doctor is still obligated to provide a VIS to the parent, obtain proof of informed consent, prior to each and every dose of a vaccine, and document the information in the child’s medical record. This can be done in person or electronically.
- HB2902 also includes a definition of PARENT that would make nonparents with temporary authority over a child able to give consent to vaccination. Vaccination is a preventative medical intervention, not emergency medicine, and all vaccines come with the risk of injury or death. The vaccination decision can wait until a child’s parent or legal guardian is available.
- HB2902 has a “grandfather” clause for the Department of Children’s Services (DCS), allowing them to vaccinate children who were in their custody before MMCA passed — without getting informed consent from the children’s legal parents who retained medical decision making authority, and without getting a court order. The bill’s definition of parent may give DCS even more ability to circumvent legal parents.
- The state of TN should not make laws to undermine informed consent and that violate the requirements of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.
- Contact your representative now and ask them to vote no on this bill.