ATTENTION KENTUCKY: Ask Your Senator to Support a Ban on Immunity Passports
Our Stand: At-A-Glance
- HB28, introduced on January 4, 2022 was sponsored by Representative Maddox and has recently passed the House State Government Committee with a substitute.
- In order to continue to move, Maddox had to make a number of compromises that resulted in several components of the original bill being removed. The resulting bill language, which you can read here, does the following:
- Bans government mandates/vaccine passports,
- Prohibits public universities from requiring the disclosure of immunization status with regard to a COVID-19 shot,
- Requires K-12 schools to allow parents to opt-out of a mandatory COVID-19 shot on the basis of conscientious objection, and
- Disallows public entities from requiring the disclosure of immunization status with regard to a COVID-19 shot.
- As HB28 heads to the Senate, please email your local senator and ask them to vote YES on this bill. Kentucky is seeking protections from these unconstitutional passports and HB28 helps get them there.
- Along with emailing, please call the legislative line at 800-372-7181 and leave a message for your senator asking them to vote YES on this bill. *please note, the legislative line is only open during business hours.
- Both steps are important. When you’re finished, please share this call to action with at least 5 of your friends.