PENNSYLVANIA: Support HB2013 and the constitutional right to medical freedom
Our Stand: At-A-Glance
- On October 26, 2021, Representative Russ Diamond filed “the Right to Medical Freedom” bill (HB2013). We are waiting for House leadership to bring HB2013 up for discussion and a vote on the House floor.
- This joint resolution would amend Article 1 of the Pennsylvania Constitution to include the following: “The right of an individual to refuse any medical procedure, treatment, injection, vaccine, or prophylactic may not be questioned or interfered with in any manner. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged to any person in this commonwealth because of the exercise of the right under this section.”
- This bill would add medical freedom to the Pennsylvania Constitution and would be a dream come true for our commonwealth.
- The governor cannot veto a constitutional amendment.
- Chamber leadership may not run this bill unless there’s enough interest from legislators, so we need to show them why this is important.
- If your representative isn’t one of the “Current Cosponsors of HB2013,” please ask them to become one.
- Current Cosponsors of HB2013 are: Diamond (main sponsor), Bernstine, Borowicz, Cook, Cox, Gillen, Gleim, Greiner, Hamm, Helm, Irvin, Jones, Kauffman, Kail, Keefer, Knowles, Lewis DelRosso, Major, M. Mackenzie, Maloney, Metcalfe, Ortitay, Pennycuick, Roae, Rowe, Ryan, Sankey, Smith, Zimmerman.
- Regardless of cosponsor status, please call and ask your representative to express their support of HB2013 to their chamber leadership and ask them to run this bill.