FLORIDA: It’s Time to Pull COVID Shots from the Market
Our Stand: At-A-Glance
- With all the evidence mounting, it’s truly time for our Governor to pull the COVID shots from the Florida market. The Grand Jury investigation that he called to investigate mRNA shots and Big Pharma has issued its 144-page, scathing report.
- With quotes like, “It was genuinely striking to us just how many of the problems we found occurred at either the direction or acquiescence of the FDA, CDC, and other federal regulators,” and “These regulatory issues are magnified in the context of vaccines, where consumers have effectively zero ability to hold manufacturers legally responsible for their injuries,” and “Sponsors who do not comply with data transparency requirements should not be allowed to retain federal legal immunity,” proves it’s time for a change.
- Florida’s Surgeon General, Joseph Ladapo, has been ringing the alarm bells for a while now, noting the following concerns:
- COVID-vaccinated individuals developed an increased risk of infection.
- A risk of myocarditis and other cardiovascular conditions among healthy individuals.
- Increased risk of adverse events with each additional dose of the mRNA COVID shot.
- Elevated levels of COVID spike protein in some individuals for an indefinite period of time, which may carry health risks.
- DNA contamination in the mRNA Moderna and Pfizer COVID shots.
- Finally, the 118th Congress released its findings in December 2024, titled “After Action Review of the COVID Pandemic: The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward,” based on the investigation of the U.S. response to COVID-19. This report is also full of damning findings. It’s worth a moment to read through the 11-page table of contents to get a summary of the conclusions of the committee on topics including lockdowns, masking, school closures, virus origins, use of taxpayer funds, COVID shot mandates, World Health Organization failures, doctored documents, hiding evidence, blocking congressional investigations, and more.
- ACTION: Send a message to Governor DeSantis asking him to pull the COVID shots off the Florida market.
- Note: Looking for more information on the FL Grand Jury investigation? Stay tuned!