Attention New Jersey: End Discriminatory Mandates for COVID-19 Testing of the Vaccine-Free Teachers in Educational Institutions
Our Stand: At-A-Glance
Governor Murphy declared a public health emergency in New Jersey initially on March 9, 2020, via executive order 103. On August 23, 2021, Murphy signed executive order 253 titled: “Instituting Vaccination or Testing Requirement for All Preschool to Grade 12 Personnel and for All State Workers”
On March 5, 2022, Governor Phil Murphy announced the signing of Executive Order No. 292 which lifted the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency in addition to the statewide school and day care mask mandate. However, executive order 292 also stated that executive order 253, along with seven (7) other executive orders, “remain in full force and effect pursuant to the Disaster Control Act, N.J.S.A. App. A:9-33 et seq.
On May 12, 2022, bill S2550, sponsored by: Senator Kristin Corrado (District 40), Senator Anthony Bucco (District 25) and Co-Sponsored by Senator Holly Schepisi (District 39) and Senator Steven Oroho (District 24), was introduced in the Senate and referred to the Senate Education Committee where Senator Gopal is the Chair. S2550 Removes requirements for weekly COVID-19 testing for unvaccinated school district employees.
Does the COVID-19 vaccination protect recipients from contracting and transmitting the COVID-19 virus? Both the vaccinated and unvaccinated can contract and transmit covid. What does mandatory testing of only the unvaccinated population truly solve from a public health perspective?
There is no true choice when your options are between a vaccine that is being distributed under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and your employment. Medical mandates are coercive and overrides an individuals right to bodily autonomy, including invasive weekly testing.
Testing mandates create medical discrimination based on vaccination status. New Jersey's educational staff are being ostracized based on their medical status.
Click to ask your local senator, Senator Vin Gopal, Chair of the Senate Education Committee, and the members of the Senate Health Committee if they will stand with the educational staff of New Jersey and support bill S2550 to end the discriminatory COVID-19 testing of the vaccine-free?