Are Children Safe in Canada?
Our Stand: At-A-Glance
The National Citizens Inquiry is conducting new hearings in Vancouver, BC with an expanded theme. They are asking the critical question: “Are children safe in Canada?” National and international experts will be testifying on the health and safety of children in Canada. In addition they will be hearing from Canadian parents and youth on what is going right and what is going wrong. The evidence is overwhelming that our children are being harmed in numerous ways – by our medical system, education system, child protection and law enforcement, and the water, food and air our children are being exposed to.
It’s critical that our elected representatives at all levels of government hear the testimony in order to make the appropriate decisions to ensure the safety of our children.
This action is to invite your elected representatives to attend the hearings either in-person or virtually.
The hearings will be conducted on October 17, 18 and 19, 2024 in Vancouver BC from 8:45 AM – 8:00 PM PST.
The National Citizens Inquiry is a citizen-led, citizen funded initiative to examine the government’s actions. The NCI received testimony from more than 350 witnesses over 27 days of hearings in 2023-24. They have compiled the largest library of testimony given under oath pertaining to the government’s response to COVID in the world. The testimony of all 350 witnesses can be found at:
The independent Commissioners released their Final Report on November 28, 2023 which includes over 400 recommendations. The Commissioner’s Final Report can be downloaded at
Take action now. Encourage your elected representatives to hear the testimony for themselves, learn the truth, and consider changes to ensure that our children are safe and healthy.