Call to Action
SB 254 is an Oregon bill that will remove the ability of a parent to decline required immunizations. Creating a massive disparity of equity, based upon genetic disorders, the action of this bill would segregate children from their peers lending to isolation which is conducive to suicide, abuse, lack of access to food, and has a disproportionately high affect upon lower income households, minority communities, tribal communities, and families dependent upon government funded IDD (Developmental Disabilities) services.
Personal Choice and Responsibility
Under current statutory provisions children are the responsibility of the parent/guardian/ or familial unit until age 18. In the event of injury from a vaccine, the parent or guardian is responsible for life-long care of the injured child/individual. Given that the consequences of vaccination belong solely to the familial unit, so should the choice to vaccinate.
Removal of rights is not within the legislature’s ability or scope of authority. The legislature’s sworn oath is to abide by the limitations set forth in accordance with the state’s social compact. Preservation of the common good begins with the preservation of individualized medical care. Whomever bears the burden of responsibility must also have full autonomy over choice.
According to data released by the Oregon Health Authority these measures are unnecessary and unwarranted to effectively achieve a level of vaccine induced herd immunity, which already exists and is steadily climbing without legislative intervention.