NEVADA: Tell legislators that Nevadans do not support school-based health centers
Schools should be a place of learning, not a pathway for pharmaceutical companies to access children while away from parents.
Our Stand: At-A-Glance
- AB237 creates school-based health centers (SBHCs) under the guise of “health equity” and “access to care.” Rather than using the existing model of a school nurse to tend to illnesses and emergencies for children while at school, SBHCs create a primary and preventative model of health care in our public school system.
- In conjunction with SB172 that would permit minor children to consent to drugs, vaccines, and medical devices or procedures, passage of school-based clinics will set our children up to be the next highly profitable targets of the medical industry on school property, without any input from parents.
- Nevada schools are failing; we are 49th in the nation. The public education system should focus on providing quality education to students by caring teachers, not recruiting health care practitioners.
- Health care providers are scarce in Nevada and we do not need to spread them even thinner by opening clinics in schools. Nevada parents know where to go to get our children cared for by a medical practitioner of our choice. Health care choices are up to the parents, not the school administrators or teachers.
- SBHCs simply open the door for medical interventions where there are no parents present to monitor, advise, and give consent. Providing medical care, advice, and treatment in environments where parents or guardians are not directly involved violates parental rights to manage and direct the medical care for their children. Since health care is so often driven by agendas, parents need to be present while guidance is given on controversial topics. Parents are in the best position to spot and respond to agendas targeted at their minor children.
- Having only an opt-out situation for participation in these clinics is not supportive of fully informed consent and parental rights. Safety of children and parental rights are best honored in opt-in scenarios that put the power in the hands of parents who are ultimately responsible for the care of their children.
- You can help stop SBHCs from taking over at your child’s school by taking action with us today! Spending a few minutes now could save you from constant stress later if SBHCs are implemented in your school. Let legislators know today that you do not support SBHCs.