ATTENTION IOWA: Support the Medical Privacy and Freedom Act
Our Stand: At-A-Glance
- The last two years we have seen an assault on almost all of our basic human rights. Discrimination for our personal medical decisions which can lead to privacy infringements in both the business and/or government sector and the cost of standing up and saying no easily leads to segregation and a two class society. But Iowa, we have good news...
- HSB647 will prevent any legal entity in Iowa from asking for or storing an individual’s private medical information with regards to medical treatment status, including vaccination status (except for cases of care and treatment of the individual).
- This bill will also prevent the discrimination of an individual based on their medical treatment status or whether or not they possess an immunity passport, including for employment.
- This anti-discrimination bill has two enforcement provisions of liability for injuries/deaths caused or loss of licenses/permits for violating this law.
- All states would do well to follow the lead of Iowa HSB647, which would hold these institutions and entities accountable for these discriminatory actions. Click to to tell the House State Government Committee to support HSB647, this is the right step forward in protecting all Iowans and our future generations from medical discrimination.
- Please note, there is a subcommittee hearing Thursday, February 10th starting at 2pm and will be in room 103, the Supreme Court chambers. Zoom testimony will be available, but we HIGHLY recommend people FILL EVERY INCH OF THE CAPITOL to show their support for this wonderful legislation.